Evangel Panicker

Evangel Panicker's Fundraiser

Together we can make primary care medicine accessible to all children image

Together we can make primary care medicine accessible to all children

Join me and help make a difference for little lives who will make a big impact one day. Please consider giving to support this goal. Your contribution is appreciated, however big or small.


$625 towards $1,100

I got connected to Extra Mile Pediatrics in my pediatric residency and immediately felt drawn to their mission for sustainable access to primary medical care for all children. I went to Guatemala in 2019 while in medical school and fell in love with the people that I had the privilege to care for. I am excited to have the opportunity to return and serve with this organization that shares my same heart for primary care pediatrics. One thing that drew me to them was their commitment to returning to the same communities over time to better ensure that the impact has lasting positive effects. While volunteering with Extra Mile Pediatrics, I will have the opportunity to focus on nutrition, growth, development, and health education for children in the community, provide multivitamins to most or all children seen, administer anti-parasitic medicines to most children seen, and have access to a pharmacy built to both treat acute issues and address chronic illnesses/concerns.

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us building healthier more resilient communities with Extra Mile Pediatrics

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal!