Camellia Etherington

Camellia Etherington's Fundraiser

Together we can provide medical care to children in need image

Together we can provide medical care to children in need

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,450 towards $1,950

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us building healthier more resilient communities with Extra Mile Pediatrics

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal!

It’s that time again!! I’m preparing to travel with Extra Mile Pediatrics to El Salvador in April. We will once again be serving the children of 5 communities and those surrounding areas.

The mission of EMP:

  • is a sustainable mission, as part of an organization that is committed to returning to the same communities over time to better ensure that the impact has lasting positive effects.
  • focuses on ALL children within the communities we are serving , not just a select few
  • provides multivitamins to most or all children seen
  • administers anti-parasitic medicines to most children seen
  • will include a pharmacy built to both treat acute issues and address chronic illness/concerns
  • in all cases, will focus on nutrition, growth, development, and health education

If you feel so inclined to contribute towards my costs (airplane fare and lodging) please follow the link to my fundraising page. I set my fundraising goal slightly higher than the actual cost with the hope of being able to buy vitamins and cover the costs associated with getting them there.

My love of serving, caring, and taking care of others has only grown as I finish my third year of nursing. I find myself looking for more ways to hel especially in those who are unfunded or underfunded. There are so many yet to be reached.

Thanks for reading and please reach out with any questions!!
